Maintenance product ‘Resin Clean’ concentrated resin cleaner – 5 liters


Maintenance product ‘Resin Clean’ concentrated resin cleaner – 5 liters




Resin Clean is a special liquid for cleaning and disinfecting the resins of your water softener.
Iron and mineral residues accumulate during the year in the resin tank of your water softener. As a result, the softening capacity and water flow decrease and salt consumption increases.

An additional advantage of the resin cleaner is that the valve and piston remain free of deposits, which benefits the life of your water softener.

How to use?

1 liter is made to clean up to 100 liters of resin. A residential water softener usually contains between 6 and 25 liters of resin.

If your water softener has never been serviced/cleaned, we advise you to double the dose once.

  • Open/remove the lid of your water softener
  • Preferably pour the resin cleaner into the brine chimney (pipe in the brine tank). If this is not possible, you can pour it directly into the salt.
  • Regenerate the device by pressing the regen button (keep pressing).
  • The resin cleaner is absorbed
  • If you do not know how to start a regeneration yourself, your water softener will automatically include this during the next flush.